A6100 Infrastructure Quality


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: VP, Administrative Services
Related Policies: B3007
Linked Operating Standards: A6100.00, A6100.05, A6100.10, A6100.15, A6100.20, A6100.25, A6100.30
Related Laws: 
Related External Standards:
HLC Criterion2A, 3D, 5B, 5C

A6100 Infrastructure Quality PDF


Policy Statement

Shawnee Community College (SCC) recognizes the pivotal role that Information Technology (IT) plays in supporting our operations and enhancing our institution’s overall efficiency and effectiveness. We are committed to establishing and maintaining a robust, secure, and scalable IT infrastructure that aligns with our values, ethical standards and compliance as well as supports our mission.

Maximizing value, enhancing reliability and performance, promoting secure operations while fostering innovation, and supporting sustainability shall be communicated to all stakeholders within our IT infrastructure’s planning, development, deployment, and management practices. Compliance with this policy is expected for all departments, units, and individuals responsible for overseeing or utilizing IT resources within the College. By adhering to established guidelines, standards, and best practices, we strive to maximize value, promote innovation, ensure compliance, and uphold the highest standards of quality in our IT infrastructure management.

To those ends, the Vice President of Administrative Services (VPAS) is directed to develop, implement, and continuously improve collaborative processes aimed at and reaffirming the College’s commitment to maintaining a practical, secure, and efficient IT infrastructure that supports the mission and goals. Through strategic planning, diligent implementation, and continuous improvement, the College will harness the power of technology to enhance the educational experience, facilitate innovation, and empower our college community to thrive in the digital age.


Change LogGovernance Unit: Administrative Services Council
DateDescription of Change
06.27.24Initial Approval