B4001.04 Trustee Vacancy

Operating Standard

Procedure Type: Board
Responsible: President
Related Policies: 
          B2000 Unity of Control
          B4000 (Section 1) Governance Commitment
          B4000 (Section 3) Board Authority & Responsibility
          B4001 (Section 10) Trustee Vacancy

Linked Operating Standards: 
Related Laws: 110 ILCS 805
Related Standards: None
HLC Criterion: 2C2C The governing board of the institution is autonomous to make decisions in the best interest of the institution in compliance with board policies and to ensure the institution’s integrity., 5A5A Through its administrative structures and collaborative processes, the institution’s leadership demonstrates that it is effective and enables the institution to fulfill its mission., 5B5B The institution’s resource base supports its educational offerings and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future., 5C5C The institution engages in systematic and integrated planning and improvement.

B4001.04 Trustee Vacancy PDF


The election of the members of the Board shall be nonpartisan and shall be held at the time an in the provided in the general election law.  However, when a vacancy occurs, the remaining members shall fill the vacancy within 60 days after the vacancy occurs.

The provisional Trustee appointed within 60 days, shall serve until the next regularly scheduled consolidated election.

The process for filling a vacancy:

  1. An advertisement seeking applications to serve as an appointment member of the Board is placed in local periodicals.
  2. Candidates should have the ability and time to fulfill the responsibilities of being a Trustee:
    • Fully participate in the work of the Board, attending all board meetings and key college events as time permits, studying and discussing policy issues, and participating in trustee education programs;
    • Be knowledgeable about the communities served by the college and be willing to act on behalf and for the benefit of those communities;
    • Engage in balancing the needs of many diverse groups and be able to contribute to and build consensus, and;
    • Contribute to effective board functioning and support the authority of the board as a whole.
  3. Resumes and cover letters are received and reviewed by the Board.
  4. The Board recommends appointment of provisional Trustee after interviewing applicants.
  5. The provisional Trustee takes the Oath of Appointment at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.


Change Log Governance Unit: Board of Trustees 
Date Description of Change
06-15-23 Added Operating Standard
08-15-24 Board Reviewed, Updated Responsibility to Board