Jamie Kerley
Jamie Kerley
About Me
Jamie Kerley is a 2005 graduate of Vienna High School and attended Shawnee Community College on a scholarship where he also played baseball.  After Jamie graduated from SCC in 2007, he went on to Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, graduating in 2009.  During his time at SIU, he married his high school sweetheart and have twins, Jackson and Anna.

Teaching at Vienna High School from 2011-2020, Jamie also coached girls’ basketball, volleyball and softball.   2017, Jamie earned his Masters in Educational Administration from McKendree University.  Most recently, Jamie graduated from McKendree with his Specialists in Education.

Currently, Jamie is the Administrator of Buncombe Grade School.

Jamie feels very blessed to able to serve on the Saints Foundation Board, helping to grow Shawnee Community College for the students of southern Illinois.  Shawnee Community College is a family tradition, as both of Jamie’s parents, older brother, and wife, all attended SCC.  The start that SCC has given to his family can never be repaid.