Step 1: Request Tutoring
Students looking for tutoring can get assistance via the Tutoring Center. Tutorial services are also available at the Alexander, Johnson, Massac and Union County Extensions.
Operating Hours: 8:00AM – 4:00PM Monday – Friday
Both professional and peer tutors are available, as well as individual and group tutoring services.
Step 2: Schedule an Appointment
After making a Request for Tutoring, you can schedule an appointment with an SCC Tutor!
Student Tutees
What is a Tutee?
A tutee is a registered SCC student in need of academic assistance.
Individual Tutoring
Student and tutor tackle problem solving and understanding of subject matter together.
Group Tutoring
Tutors, with their group of students (usually no more than eight) work in sessions with each student being accountable for obtaining information and input into the subject. Each individual in the group works for the good of the whole. Group tutoring sessions usually meet a minimum of once per week.
Learn How To Learn
There are special "tricks of the trade" in studying. Study skills that work well for your tutor will usually work well for you. One of the many benefits of having a good private or group tutor is the study skills they can pass on to you.
Research Tutors
Most tutors can credit their success in school to their fine research skills. One of the many benefits of having a tutor with this ability is that they can aid their student(s) in learning how to use the Learning Resource Center and access needed research materials.
Non-Traditional Tutoring
The Tutorial Program offers a support system for students re-entering college after an extended absence. The Tutorial Program offers assistance with study skills and techniques for re-entering the academic environment.
Tutors for the Physically and Learning Challenged
Tutors are available as note-takers, for those students who are in need of special assistance, and have necessary documentation.
Requesting Tutorial Assistance
Request for Tutor applications are available at the Student Success Center, and at the SCC extension centers.
Become a Peer Tutor
What is a peer tutor?
A peer tutor is a registered student charged with aiding fellow students in the comprehension of their coursework.
How much does this position pay?
SCC peer tutors make $15.00 per hour. (Updated 1/13/2025)
How many hours can a peer tutor work a week?
Ten hours per week, with exceptions made by the coordinator.
Tutors are needed every semester on all campuses
The entire Tutorial Program is based upon the quality and quantity of its peer and professional tutors. However, all tutors must be registered SCC students.
How does a student become a peer tutor?
Students who are interested in tutoring must have completed the coursework in that specific subject and received a minimum of a 3.0 or "B" as their grade. An instructor recommendation is required and official transcripts are needed to complete this process. Tutorial in-service training is also required for ALL peer tutor candidates.
Are taxes due for this kind of work?
Yes. Every new peer tutor must complete the Federal and State forms as supplied by the Tutorial Program. These forms are then delivered by the peer tutor to the Business Office on the main campus.
Is tutoring allowed off-campus?
No. All tutoring must be done at the Main Campus in H2087 or at an extension center in the presence of a college employee.
Is tutoring over the telephone allowed?
No. In order to be paid for tutoring, tutors must CLOCK IN at a time clock located either at the main campus or at the extension centers. Permission is expressly required to have hand-written time cards. In the case of extension campus tutoring, or where no time clock is present, hand-written time cards must be fully signed by appropriate SCC staff.
Is it the tutor's responsibility to contact the student(s)?
Yes. The tutor coordinator will notify both tutor and student to see if they are able to begin working together. If there is a problem, it is up to the peer tutor to let the Tutorial Program know about the difficulty so that a reasonable solution can be found. It is the peer tutor's responsibility to treat his/her business as a franchise operation and contact tutees accordingly.
All peer tutors must complete the classes they want to tutor with a grade of "B" or higher, complete the Tutor Training Program, and submit written recommendations from their instructors. Additional information may be required as needed, and all tutoring arrangements are subject to approval by the Director of Student Success Center.
Mindy Ashby
Director of Student Success