Actions from the August 2024 Shawnee Community College Board of Trustees Meeting

(Ullin, IL) August 16, 2024. The Board of Trustees of Shawnee Community College  held its regular monthly meeting on August 15, 2024, at 6:00 PM, on the main campus  and via teleconference. Several agenda items were addressed during the meeting.  Complete board meeting minutes are available for viewing by visiting this webpage.


Agenda and Consent Agenda

The Board approved the agenda and consent agenda which included approval of  Regular Board minutes from July 18, 2024 and Special Board Minutes from July 31,  2024; acceptance of the treasurer’s report and personnel report; approval of the Interfund Transfer and the Southern Seven Lease Renewal; the Board ratified the  Summer 2024 Faculty stipends and amended the FY25 Board Policy Manual as well as  accepted the presentation of 2024 summer graduates.


Summer 2024 Adjunct Salaries 

The Board approved the Summer 2024 Adjunct salaries as they were presented.


Facilities Master Plan Presentation 

Julie Vila, with Cordogan Clark, provided a presentation of the facilities master plan  which included instructional space utilization results and educational adequacy assessment findings.


Trustee Engagement in the K-12 Community 

The Board were in agreement to continue K-12 Community engagement initiative.


Service Agreement for Leadership Training 

The Board approved the service agreement with Steve Gavatorta Group, Inc. for  Leadership Training.


Administrative/Employee Related 

The Board ratified the part-time hourly employees listed as well as the following job  fulfillments: Sumer Smith, Bookstore Manager; Adrian Fox, Events Coordinator; and  Cheryl Cummins, Workforce Training Specialist. The Board approved a listing of open  positions reflected in the FY25 budget. Current vacancies include: Education  Technology Coordinator; HCCTP Coordinator; Human Resource Operations Specialist;  Nursing Simulation Coordinator & Student Success Coach; Professional Tutor; Small  Business Development Center Advisor; Small Business Development Center  Coordinator; and an additional Welding Instructor. The Board accepted the resignation  of Jipaum Askew as the Director of Educational Talent Search.