Saints Elite Basketball Camp Registration

Fields marked with an * are required

Registration fee: $50

Date of Birth *
T-Shirt Size *
Position *

PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT AND PRESS RELEASE: As a participant in this program, I understand that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, damages or loss which my child may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities associated with SAINTS’ KIDS. I agree to waive and relinquish all claims I may have as a result of my child participating in this program against Shawnee Community College, its employees, board member and associates. I authorize Shawnee Community College to secure from any licensed hospital, physician and/or medical personnel any treatment deemed necessary for my child’s immediate care, and I agree to be responsible for payment of any and all medical services rendered.

Photo Release - I understand that Shawnee Community College may photograph my child during SAINTS’ KIDS and that these photos may appear in newspapers, pamphlets and on the Shawnee Community College Website for promotional and informative purposes. *