Highway Construction Careers Training Program (HCCTP) Application

Fields marked with an * are required



Personal Information

Date of Birth *


Check any of the following that you have obtained (Diploma, Degree, etc.) *

Employment History

The Following Income Information is Voluntary:

List Sources of Income

Contact Information

Please list (2) reliable contacts.

Essay Question

Notice of Certification

I understand that to be eligible to participate in this program, the participant must be: 1) 18 years of age, 2) Possess a valid driver’s license and 3) Have a high school diploma or GED. I understand that participation may be contingent upon satisfactory results from drug screening. I understand and agree that the information I have provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge with no intent to commit fraud. Any misrepresentation or deliberate omission may be grounds for termination from this program. I understand that this information will be kept confidential and will not be released to the public. I have been advised that this information will be kept on file for 1 year and may be shared with other authorized agencies for the purpose of administering programs of these agencies. I understand that I have the right to inspect this information and initiate appropriate corrections through the agency to which I am providing this information. NOTICE: The Illinois Dept. of Transportation, the Illinois Community College Board and the participating community colleges do not guarantee employment upon a trainee’s graduation from the Highway Construction Careers Training Program.

HCCTP Application Questionnaire

From the following list of documents, please indicate which documents you have or can obtain. Some documents are mandatory for the HCCTP Program that you are applying for and will be marked as mandatory.

Check those that you have or can obtain *

HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Industry job sites are hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Work is seasonal, usually lasting from the end of April to the middle of November with conditions and language sometimes being rough. Having to get up as early as 4:30 a.m., traveling for an hour and working 10–12 hour days is common. List what experiences, if any, that you have working in similar situations or why you would want to work in these conditions.

Showing up each day and on time is a priority in the HCCTP. The program that you are applying for has strict attendance policy guidelines. Missing class, being tardy and/or leaving early can and will lead to expulsion from this class. List below what means of transportation you have and, if applicable, what childcare and other arrangements you have or will make to ensure that you will be able to meet these attendance guidelines.