Andrea Witthoft
Andrea Witthoft
Vice-Chairperson, ICCTA Representative
2019 - 2025
About Me

Andrea Witthoft grew up a couple of miles from Century High School and is a Century graduate. She is married to Don (Smiley) Witthoft. Smiley is a Cobden Appleknocker. Together Don and Andrea celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary on May 28, 2020. Mrs. Witthoft has a daughter and son-in-law, Jessica and Drew Kelley, and a grandson Bowen Kelly.

She is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, where she served as treasurer for many years. Her community involvement includes being a member of the Women of the Moose, where she serves as the Scholarship Chairman for the Anna Lodge and serving on the Board of the Friends of Stinson Memorial Library. Mrs. Witthoft spent her career working in the Illinois Community College System. Her twenty-six-year career began in November 1990 as a secretary at Shawnee Community College. In January 1999, Mrs. Witthoft left SCC, accepting the position of Distance Learning & Media Technology Specialist at Rend Lake College. During her eighteen years at Rend Lake College, she was promoted to a Director position, Dean of Special Programs, and then rose through the ranks to become Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness. Mrs. Witthoft retired from Rend Lake College on December 31, 2016.

During her career, she supervised and managed several departments, programs, and processes. Her experience working in the Illinois Community College System provides her with significant expertise to serve as a member of the SCC Board of Trustees. Mrs. Witthoft has a deep understanding of how community colleges work. She understands how they are financed, the issues and challenges facing colleges in Illinois, and understands state and federal guidelines used by the Illinois Community College Board and the Higher Learning Commission to evaluate community colleges’ quality and effectiveness.

Mrs. Witthoft was interested in joining the SCC Board of Trustees because she is a proud former employee and SCC graduate. She wants to see Shawnee Community College stabilize, grow, and prosper for the district’s students and taxpayers.