B1012 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging


Policy Type: Board- Strategic Outcomes
Responsible: President
Related Policies: B1002
Linked Operating Standards: None
Related Laws: Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, 110 ILCS 155, 740 ILCS 24
Related Standards: None
HLC Criterion: 1C21C2 The institution’s processes and activities demonstrate inclusive and equitable treatment of diverse populations., 2A2A The institution establishes and follows policies and processes to ensure fair and ethical behavior on the part of its governing board, administration, faculty and staff., 3B33B3 The education offered by the institution recognizes the human and cultural diversity and provides students with growth opportunities and lifelong skills to live and work in a multicultural world., 3C13C1 The institution strives to ensure that the overall composition of its faculty and staff reflects human diversity as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves.
Monitoring Reports

B1012 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging PDF

Policy Statement

The College is committed to ensuring that diversity, in all its forms, is respected and valued by fostering and promoting an environment of equity, inclusiveness and feelings of belonging. 

Students and employees benefit from interacting with peers and role models in a diverse learning environment that increases cultural competency through understanding and engagement with multicultural, social, and civic issues (both in and out of the classroom).  Students and employees also benefit from diverse learning experiences that fosters active thinking, intellectual engagement, increased motivation, consistent attendance, creative problem-solving, a comprehensive understanding of their field of study, and improved satisfaction with the overall college/workplace experience.  Finally, students and employees receive the greatest benefit when the learning environment and institutional culture prepare them for success in a multicultural workplace and a globally-connected society.

Students and employees receive value when they perceive they have been treated equitably in an inclusive environment which leads to mutual understanding and respect.  Students and employees receive great value when they perceive their campus/workplace climate is inclusive and equitable, which often leads to a sense of belonging, improved perceptions of the campus atmosphere, and a willingness to accept intellectual challenges.  Finally, students and employees receive greatest value from an equitable and inclusive learning environment where their unique learning needs and backgrounds are recognized and respected, which helps them persist and complete their programs of study or perform on the job.

The community benefits when achievement gaps for low-income and minority students are narrowed through student and employee engagement activities that take place in a diverse, equitable, and inclusive educational environment.

To achieve these benefits, the Board directs the President to:

  • Establish, implement, and continuously improve activities, programs, and administrative policies, procedures, guidelines, rules, and practices designed to improve the College’s equitable and inclusive learning and work environment.
  • Ensure all administrative policies, procedures, rules, guidelines, and practices comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the Title VI, Title VII, & Title IX components of the Civil Rights Act; the Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2006 (740 ILCS 24); and, the Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act (110 ILCS 155).
  • Ensure administrative policies apply to students, employees, and third parties at Shawnee Community College.


Key Monitoring Activities:

As it relates to the key performance areas noted in the Monitoring College Effectiveness policy, the Board is interested in student interest, enrollment, academic progress, academic success, completion and student satisfaction.  In addition, due to the significant influence of DEI on the College’s community and culture, the Board is also interested in employee preparation, employee performance, cultural condition, and employee satisfaction as key performance areas.

The measures and indicators suggested below are advisory in nature and are intended to provide the President with a broad range of ideas as to what the Board might find helpful as it monitors the College’s progress on the key performance areas for this Strategic Outcome.  The President, at his/her discretion, can modify the measures and indicators as needed.

Specific measures for student interest may include flexible and accessible options for students to learn about DEI topics.  Potential indicators might include the number of DEI events offered by the College; the number of courses and services offered using multiple delivery methods; the percentage of students participating in alternative delivery programs, courses, or services; and, the number of students receiving accommodation services.

Specific measures for enrollment may include data that reflect credit hours, FTE, and headcount of students who participate in DEI courses and initiatives.  Data aggregated by student demographic profiles is appropriate. Potential indicators might include the number of students participating in DEI courses and events.

Specific measures for academic progress may include student retention and persistence.  A potential indicator might include a comparison of retention and persistence outcomes of special populations to the student body as a whole.

Specific measures for academic success may include data that reflect student learning outcome attainment and student performance in courses that include DEI topics.  A potential indicator might include the percentage of learning outcome benchmark targets met.

A specific measure for completion may be credentials awarded.  A potential indicator might be the number of students who complete a general education credential in global understanding/awareness.

Specific measures for student satisfaction may include student-faculty interaction, student effort, active and collaborative learning, academic challenge and support for learners.  Potential indicators might include the percentage of student complaints that were harassment, bias, and/or discrimination-related; student perceptions of equal opportunity for success at SCC; and student sense of belonging and affirmation.

Specific measures for employee preparation are growth & development, organizational alignment, and employee diversity.  Potential indicators might include the number of professional development opportunities offered by the College; the percent of budget spent on DEI employee development; dollars spent on DEI employee development; number of DEI activities accessible for employees; employee skill attainment or credentials received on DEI topics; and a comparison of college employee demographics with community demographics.

Specific measures for employee performance are effort and strategy alignment and decision-making.  Potential indicators might include the number of DEI activities and projects performed, employee perception of meaningful DEI work, and the number of policies reviewed and adjusted to improve DEI.

Specific measures for cultural condition are reward and recognition and work environment quality.  Potential indicators include the number of employees externally recognized for DEI contributions, the number of employees internally recognized for DEI contributions and voluntary attrition and turnover rate.

Specific measures for employee satisfaction are loyalty, morale, and environment.  Potential indicators might be employee retention, number of complaints, and overall job satisfaction.


Change Log Governance Unit: Board of Trustees 
Date Description of Change
04-05-21 Initial Adoption
03-07-22 Convert from Administrative policy on Harassment & Non-Discrimination to Strategic Outcome on DEI
06-15-23 Added “Belonging”
05-16-24 Board Reviewed, No Changes