A8000.65 Authorization and Approval of Relationships with Institutions and Agencies

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A8000
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



  1. Membership of Shawnee Community College in the Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA) is approved. This organization promotes and supports the development of community colleges and fosters communication and cooperation among its members.
  2. Membership of Shawnee Community College in the Illinois Council of Public Community College Presidents is approved. This organization, in cooperation with the Illinois Community College Trustees Association and Illinois Community College Board, serves to express the needs and concerns of Illinois community colleges to governmental bodies.
  3. Participation by Shawnee Community College in the Southern Illinois Collegiate Common Market (SICCM) is approved. SICCM is a comprehensive program for inter-institutional cooperation that involves Rend Lake College, Shawnee Community college, Southeastern Illinois College, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and John A. Logan College. The objectives of this consortium are to discover means of increasing educational productivity, effective use of present and future resources, and to save public funds by meeting common educational needs on a cooperative basis. Participation in SICCM is to be reviewed on an annual basis.
  4. The formation of the Shawnee Community College Foundation is approved. The Shawnee Community College Board of Trustees resolves to assist and cooperate with the Foundation as provided for in the Foundation by-laws.
  5. The Shawnee Community College Board of Trustees authorizes the application for federal work/study program funds. This is subject to annual review by the Board.
  6. Shawnee Community College is authorized to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Illinois Department of Employment Securities. The purpose is to provide a comprehensive placement service on the campus. The representative from the Illinois Department of Employment Securities will work with the
    college’s placement center.
  7. An agreement with the Illinois state agency for federal surplus property is approved.
  8. The President is authorized to sign all training agreements, memorandum of understandings, and articulation
    agreements involving Shawnee Community College students and outside agencies which are needed to carry
    on the instructional program. These documents will be kept in the Executive Office.
  9. The President may authorize participation in other associations deemed relevant to education.

Revised: May 2014


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