A7400.15 College Keys

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A7400
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Employees are provided keys appropriate to their responsibilities at the College.  In general, staff will be provided keys to their office and classroom and support assignment space.  Security is available 24/7 to let individuals in other areas as needed.  The Chief Financial Officer or President will approve the distribution of all keys, and each employee must verify the receipt of his/her key(s).  Upon leaving employment at the College, employees must verify the return of all keys as part of the check-out procedure.

The grand master keys for the campus will be limited.  With the exception of the President, Chief Financial Officer, Security, and Director of Facilities, all requests for master keys must be made in writing with supporting rationale for need to the Chief Financial Officer or President.  He/she will maintain control and records for all master keys issued.

Employees are responsible for the keys issued to them.   They are not to be loaned to family members or others which would enable non-staff access to College facilities. Appropriate disciplinary measures may be taken against employees for misuse of College keys.

New Policy: July 2016


Date of ChangeDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit