A7400.05 Security

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A7400
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Shawnee Community College places a high priority on providing a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors and to that end has retained the services of various security officers.  Pursuant to the Illinois Compiled Statutes, Shawnee Community College does hereby identify security officers as a position requiring the completion of a criminal background investigation prior to their employment.

Any security officer shall be either directly employed by the College or subject to an independent contractor agreement with the College. Any person identified as a security officer of the College shall be bound by all policies and procedures adopted by the College, including any restrictions on using, possessing or carrying firearms or weapons on or about any property owned or controlled by the College. Any designated security officer shall also be subject to riles, regulations and policies as those pertain to other staff, faculty and employees of the College. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Board of Trustees of the College reserves the right to discipline, suspend and/or terminate any security officer at the Board of Trustees’ sole and exclusive discretion. The President of the College is authorized to suspend or remove a security officer of the College from any property owned or controlled by the College if the President determine necessary and in the best interests of the College. The President will promptly bring the matter to the Board of Trustees for a final determination as to discipline, suspension or termination of a security officer of the College.

The Security Policy does not extend to any security officer and/or company any employee benefit, payment, or fringe benefit, collectively referred to as “Benefits.” Any such Benefits, if agreed to, will be subject to a separate contract or agreement with such security officer and/or company if offered by the College.

Revised:  March 2019


Date of ChangeDescription of ChangeGovernance Unit