A6200.00 Computer Usage Policy

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A6200
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Individuals who utilize the SCC computing facilities and information resources are bound by this policy.


General Responsibilities

The Computer Usage Policy applies to all members of the college community using the institution’s computer resources.  This includes administrators, faculty, staff, students, and members of the community.  Use of computer resources include utilizing computer equipment at any SCC facility including servers from any location, various computer labs, classrooms, offices, and library.

Computer accounts and computer access are privileges and require the individual user to act responsibly.  By using the SCC accounts, users have agreed to respect the rights of other users and accounts, to use the account only for school-related purposes, and to safeguard the integrity of the system and its related physical resources.  Users have agreed to observe all relevant laws and institutional policies regarding information resources.



All user files, including e-mail files, are not to be relied upon as confidential.  SCC explicitly does not guarantee or warrantee the confidentiality of these files.  It is the practice of Information Technology (IT) to respect the confidential nature of user files, but the Information Technology (IT) Department reserves the right to view or alter user files when it is necessary.  For example, files may need to be examined or accessed in the event of unauthorized use or misuse, or due to corruption or damage.  Any IT employee must have their director’s permission prior to investigating a user file.



All users must follow all relevant copyright laws.  U.S. Copyright law governs reproduction and distribution of software and other material, including text, fonts, graphics, sound, video, and others.  The End User License Agreement (EULA) for a product specifies the conditions under which a user may copy or install a product.  The EULA purchased by the institution also controls the number of users who may utilize the product.  Please review the EULA for complete information on your rights as an end user of these products.



Misuse of computing, networking, or information resources includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Using a computer account that you are not authorized to use by the IT Department.
  • Obtaining a password for a computer account that is not intended for your use.
  • Using the SCC network to gain unauthorized access to any computer system.
  • Attempting to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes. This includes creating, running, or distributing programs that are designed to identify security loopholes and/or decrypt intentionally secure data.
  • Masking the identity of an account or machine. This includes, but is not limited to, sending e-mail anonymously.
  • Using e-mail to harass others.
  • Posting on the Internet any information that may be slanderous or defamatory in nature.
  • Downloading, displaying, or transmitting sexually explicit, graphically disturbing, or sexually harassing images or text in a public computer facility or location.
  • Violating terms of applicable software licensing agreements or copyright laws. This includes but is not limited to downloading and making copies of any copyrighted materials or making illegal copies of copyrighted computer software programs.
  • Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user’s electronic communications, or reading, copying, changing, or deleting another user’s files or software without the explicit agreement of the owner. Files owned by individual users are to be considered private property, whether or not they are accessible by other users.
  • Sending mass e-mail to a large number of people on the system. It is acceptable, however, to use organizational or departmental mailing lists to send e-mail to groups of people on the system.
  • Knowingly or carelessly performing an act that will interfere with the normal operation of computer systems, including running, or installing, or giving to another user a program intended to damage or to place excessive load on a computer system or network. This includes programs known as computer viruses and worms.
  • Deliberately wasting/overloading system resources.
  • Attempting to cause destruction, modify or remove computer equipment, software, or peripherals without proper authorization.
  • Attempting to install software that is not deemed a supported software product of SCC.



All existing federal and state laws and College regulations apply, including the laws and regulations that are specific to computers and networks, and those that may apply generally to personal conduct.

Misuse of computing, networking, or information resources may result in a loss of such privileges.  Deliberate violations of these policies will be dealt with in the same manner as violations of other college policies and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.


SCC Supported Software

The institution’s IT department will provide support for application software that is licensed and owned by SCC.  Freeware/Shareware programs are not supported unless they appear on the supported software list.  Individuals who utilize SCC computer equipment are responsible for contacting the IT department prior to purchasing or installing software programs.  In an effort to promote system stability and compliance, the IT department reserves the right to uninstall any programs that are found to be illegal copies, not owned by SCC, or interfere with the operation of any system or network.  For a current listing of supported software, please contact the Director of Information Technology.

New Policy:  January 2006

Revised:  August 2015, July 2016


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