A5200.35 Third Party Billing / Refund

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A5200
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Student tuition may be paid by a third party in two different ways.  If tuition payment is made by a company, institution, or benefactor, the third party will be billed for tuition and fees or for the agreed amount; any refund will be returned to the third party; and Shawnee Community College’s refund policy applies to all third parties.  If a third party reimburses a student, the student is responsible for paying tuition and fees; refunds will be returned to the student; and Shawnee Community College’s refund policy applies to all students, regardless of payment plan.

If third party payments are not received, the payment is ultimately the responsibility of the student.

New Policy:  July 2016


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