A5200.25 Accounts Payable

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A5200
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Checks, credit cards, or electronic transfers of funds to vendors for expenditures will be processed on a timely basis. All inquiries by vendors with respect to accounts payable are to be directed to the Business Office.  Supervisors cannot make commitments regarding payments for the College. Checks, credit card payments, or electronic transfers of funds to vendors will be processed from invoices only. An approved purchase order must be in the Business Office before a check or an electronic transfer of funds will be issued to a vendor.  In the case of capital expenditures, a purchase order is recommended and must have prior approval of the Business Office. The College is not obligated for purchases made outside this policy.


Request for Payment

All expenditures of the College must be fully supported by appropriate documents and must be paid with a credit card or secured with a purchase order. The supportive documents should explain the item for which the payment is requested.  Except for those instances where the authority for limited purchases has been previously designated by the Board of Trustees, the responsibility and authority for procurement is vested in the Business Office.  No person may make a purchase or a commitment for services involving the use of College funds unless he/she is authorized to do so and then only through established College procedures. Any individual making such a purchase without using a College credit card or a Purchase Order will be held personally liable prior to such validation.

New Policy:  July 2016


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