A4500 Culture of Equity & Respect


Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: CHRO; Executive Director, Human Resources
Related Policies: B3001, B3002, B3003, A1100, A1200, A4000, A4100, A4200, A4300, A4400, A4600, A4700
Linked Operating Standards: A4000.10, A4000.20, A4000.25, A4200.15, A4900.05
Related Laws: Title IV, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, VAWA, 110 ILCS 155, 740 ILCS 24
Related External Standards: None
HLC Criterion1C1C The institution provides opportunities for civic engagement in a diverse, multicultural society and globally connected world, as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves.

A4500 Culture of Equity & Respect PDF


Policy Statement

The College believes a culture of equity and respect – one where ALL individuals are treated fairly and consistently – has a direct impact on engagement, contribution, success, and the reputation of the organization. As such, the College will promote a welcoming, safe, and inclusive work/learning environment that fosters self-esteem, trust, and a sense of belonging.  By upholding these principles, the College will ensure our workplace is free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation, bullying, and other behaviors that undermine self-worth, individual contribution, and unity.

To promote equity, the College will:

  1. Ensure that all individuals have access to opportunities and resources necessary for achieving equitable outcomes, regardless of socioeconomic status.
  2. Treat individuals fairly and impartially, while recognizing that different resources may be required to achieve similar outcomes.
  3. Identify and remove barriers that prevent individuals from fully participating in college programs and services.
  4. Incorporate diverse perspectives in decision-making, with a focus on those historically underrepresented.
  5. Offer tailored support services that address the specific needs of individuals.
  6. Allocate resources based on individual needs, recognizing that those facing greater challenges may require additional support.
  7. Empower individuals by providing the tools and resources to build confidence, make informed decisions, and advocate for themselves.

To promote respect and ensure a welcoming environment the College will: 

  1. Encourage attentive listening and thoughtful consideration of diverse viewpoints.
  2. Acknowledge the feelings and perspectives of others courteously and professionally.
  3. Promote respect for personal and professional boundaries.
  4. Foster personal responsibility, encouraging individuals to take ownership of their words and actions

To those ends, the College’s CHRO is directed to develop, implement, and continuously improve systems, processes, and practices aimed at ensuring our learning and work environments provide a solid foundation for students, employees, and the community to thrive while complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.


Change Log Governance Unit: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Council
Date Description of Change
7.18.24 Initial Adoption