A4500.10 Conflict of Interest / Fraternization

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A4500
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:



Shawnee Community College is committed to providing a working and learning environment that provides equal educational and employment opportunities to all students, employees and other individuals.  Personal relationships in which one individual has power or status advantage over another has the potential to interfere with the College’s ability to provide such equal employment and educational opportunities.  SCC therefore prohibits personal relationships as defined in this policy.

An employee may not engage in supervisory, administrative or teaching decisions directly involving a member of his/her immediate family or individuals with whom he/she has a personal, non-professional relationship.  The College does not allow a person in a dating relationship to work for or supervise the other person in that relationship.  Further, SCC reserves the right to take quick action if an actual or potential conflict of interest arises that involves relatives or persons in a dating relationship who are in positions at any level (higher or lower) in the same line of authority, or who are in positions of trust requiring a segregation of duties.

If two employees become relatives, or start a dating relationship and one of them supervises the other, the one who is the supervisor is required to inform the Director of Human Resources of the relationship. The Director of Human Resources will then ask the two employees to decide which one of them will apply to be transferred to another available position for which he or she is qualified.  If the employees do not make the decision within 14 calendar days, SCC will decide which one will need to be transferred, or if necessary, terminated from employment.

Because of the commitment to maintaining an environment that supports our educational goals, Shawnee Community College prohibits romantic, sexual, and exploitative relationships between College employees and students.  In the event that any such relationship is reported and confirmed, the College employee is subject to employee disciplinary procedures up to and including termination in the case of administrators and staff members, or dismissal for cause in the case of faculty members.  The policies and procedures for employee disciplinary procedures and dismissal for cause apply in all such cases.

Shawnee Community College will take whatever action it deems necessary or appropriate to prevent behavior that violates sexual misconduct as outlined by policy A4500.00 Section 6.

New Policy: December 2016


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