Policy Type: Administrative
Responsible: CHRO; ED, Human Resources
Related Policies: A4000, A4100, A4300, A4400
Linked Operating Standards:
Related Laws: Wage & Hours, FLSA, FMLA, ILCS 105/1-15, Title VII
Related External Standards:
HLC Criterion: 1C1C The institution provides opportunities for civic engagement in a diverse, multicultural society and globally connected world, as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves.
A4200 Pursuit of Excellence in Compensation & Benefit Practices PDF
Policy Statement
The College is dedicated to creating a workplace that embodies our core values of transparency, inclusiveness, excellence, and mutual respect. We recognize that investing in our people is vital to fulfilling our mission, and we are committed to attracting, retaining, and rewarding a diverse and highly talented workforce. By offering equitable and innovative compensation and benefits, we ensure our practices remain competitive with labor market standards while sustaining institutional strength and affordability.
Our approach is comprehensive, encompassing competitive base salaries, impactful performance-based recognition, comprehensive benefit options, and a workplace culture that promotes engagement, collaboration, and personal growth. We prioritize internal equity, external competitiveness, and financial feasibility while fostering a supportive environment that values work-life balance, holistic well-being, and shared success.
To these ends, the Chief Human Resources Officer, in partnership with the President and Senior Leadership Team, will:
- Enhance Employee Engagement: Regularly evaluate and refine compensation and benefits using data-informed insights to meet employee needs and aspirations.
- Promote Well-Being: Provide resources, programs, and initiatives that support health, reduce stress, and enhance overall quality of life.
- Recognize and Reward Excellence: Implement performance-based rewards and recognition systems that celebrate employee contributions and foster a sense of value and empowerment.
With these actions, the College aims to cultivate an inspiring and supportive workplace where every employee is motivated to excel, empowered to thrive, and proud to be part of a mission-driven institution.
Change Log | Governance Unit: DEIB Council |
Date | Description of Change |
12.5.24 | Initial Adoption |
Administrative Policy Manual
- Printable PDF
Executive Council
- General (A1xxx)
- A1000 Shared Governance
- A1000.00 Student Participation
- A1100 Legal Compliance
- A1100.00 Administration of Freedom of Information Act
- A1100.05 Ethics Act
- A1100.10 Identity Protection
- A1100.15 Concealed Carry
- A1100.20 Copying Copyrighted Materials
- A1200 Professional Behavior
- A1200.00 Conflict of Interest
- A1200.05 Conduct Regulations
- A1200.10 Free Speech and Expressive Activity
- A1300 Institutional Effectiveness
- A1300.00 Accreditation
- A1300.05 Strategic Planning
- A1300.10 Institutional Evaluation / Research
- A1300.15 Institutional Reporting
- A1300.20 Data Dashboard / Fact Book / Analytics
- A1300.25 Data Requests
- A1300.30 Surveys
- A1300.35 Intellectual Property
- A1400 Records Retention Policy
- A1400.00 Records Retention Schedule
- Public Relations (A8xxx)
- A8000 Public Communications
- A8000.00 Branding
- A8000.05 Advertising
- A8000.10 Promotional Materials
- A8000.15 Media Relations and Communications
- A8000.20 Social Media Policy and Guidelines
- A8000.25 News Media Access
- A8000.30 Public Speakers
- A8000.35 Distribution of Signs, Handbills, and Advertising
- A8000.40 Display of Flags and Banners
- A8000.45 Use of College Stationary
- A8000.50 College Colors and Nickname
- A8000.55 Official Symbol
- A8000.60 Official Publications
- A8000.65 Authorization and Approval of Relationships with Institutions and Agencies
- A8000.70 Temporary Indoor Signage and the Distribution of Materials
- Advancement (A9xxx)
- A9000 Fundraising & Development
- A9000.00 Foundation
- A9000.05 Establishment of Purpose
- A9000.10 Bylaws
- A9000.15 Legal Authority
- A9000.20 Relationship to the College
- A9000.25 Expenditure of Funds
- A9000.30 Fundraising
- A9000.35 Memorial Tributes
- A9000.40 Naming Opportunities
- A9000.45 Receiving Gifts/Donations
- A9000.50 Recognition of Gifts/Donations
- A9000.55 Gifts, Grants, and Donations
- A9000.60 Alumni
- A9000.65 Naming Physical Components of Shawnee Community College
- A9000.70 Sponsorship and Naming Rights
Academic Affairs (A2xxx)
- Academic Principles
- A2000 Culture of Learning
- A2000.00 Academic Freedom
- A2000.05 Academic Honesty
- A2000.10 Suspension from Clinical Experience for Unsafe Clinical Practice and/or Violation of Healthcare Facility Rules, Regulations, or Policies
- A2000.15 Suspension from Clinical Experience for Unsafe Clinical Practice and/or Violation of Healthcare Facility Rules, Regulations, or Policies Contd.
- A2000.20 Educational Guarantees
- A2000.30 Students Entering Classes as “Open Entry and Open Exit” Students
- A2000.35 School Year
- A2000.40 General Education
- A2000.45 Continuing Education
- A2000.50 Workforce/Contract Education
- A2000.55 Professional Licensure
- A2000.60 Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment / Early College / H.S. Partnerships
- Curriculum Management
- A2100 Curriculum Excellence
- A2100.00 Curriculum Development
- A2100.05 Program / Major Pathway Development / Improvement
- A2100.10 New Program Requirements
- A2100.15 Credit Hour Definition
- A2100.20 Course Development
- A2100.25 Course Numbering
- A2100.30 Course Credit-Hour Determination
- A2100.35 Course Outlines and Syllabi
- A2100.40 Advisory Committees
- A2100.45 Assessment of Student Learning
- A2100.50 Assessment for Student Learning Contd.
- A2100.55 Articulation
- A2100.60 Academic Program / Services Review
- A2100.65 Program Accreditation
- A2100.70 Competency-Based Education
- Learning Standards
- A2200 Scholarship Excellence
- A2200.00 General Graduation Requirements
- A2200.05 General Graduation Requirements Contd.
- A2200.10 Audit Policy
- A2200.15 Grading
- A2200.20 Grading Contd.
- A2200.25 Evaluation of Student Academic Performance
- A2200.30 Evaluation of Student Academic Performance Contd.
- A2200.35 Academic Honors
- A2200.40 Credit for Life / Work Experience
- A2200.45 Credit for Military Experience
- A2200.50 Credit for Professional Licensure
- A2200.55 Academic Renewal / Credit Exclusion / Forgiveness
- A2200.60 Educational Internships
- A2200.65 Educational Internships Contd.
- A2200.70 Field Trips
- A2200.75 Independent Study
- Faculty Standards
- A2300 Faculty Quality
- A2300.00 Definition of Faculty
- A2300.05 Faculty Qualifications
- A2300.10 Tenure Definitions
- A2300.15 Tenure Procedures
- A2300.20 Faculty Handbook
- A2300.25 Faculty Handbook Development
- A2300.30 Faculty Evaluation
- A2300.35 Faculty Orientation
- A2300.40 Teaching Standards
- A2300.45 College Service Standards
- A2300.50 Community Service Standards
- Teaching Standards
- A2400 Instructional Excellence
- A2400.00 Required Class Size Policy for Community Education Classes
- A2400.05 Alternate Methods of Instruction
- A2400.10 Course Schedule Development
- A2400.11 Class Cancellation
- A2400.15 Grade Submission
- A2400.20 Course Section Evaluation from Students
- A2400.25 Selection of Course Materials
- A2400.30 Retaining Examinations and Other Evaluative Materials
Student Affairs (A3xxx)
- Admissions
- A3100 Excellence in Admissions & Records Practices
- A3100.00 Admission Policies
- A3100.05 General Admission Requirements
- A3100.10 Admission for Baccalaureate-Oriented Curricula
- A3100.15 Full Admission
- A3100.20 Provisional Admission
- A3100.25 International Student Admission
- A3100.30 Early Admission
- A3100.35 Escrow Admission
- A3100.40 Advanced Honors Program Admission
- A3100.45 Community Education Admission
- A3100.50 Guidelines for Accepting Transfer Credit
- A3100.55 Guidelines for Credit By Examination
- A3100.60 Advanced Placement
- A3100.65 College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- A3100.70 Proficiency Credit
- A3100.75 Experiential Credit
- A3100.80 Academic Classification and Course Load
- A3100.90 Satisfactory Academic Progress, Warning, Probation, and Suspension
- A3100.100 Release of Financial Aid Information
- A3100.115 Release of Student Information and Access to Student Records (FERPA)
- A3100.125 Residency
- A3100.130 Readmission
- Financial Aid
- A3200 Excellence in Financial Aid Practices
- A3200.00 Tuition Waivers
- A3200.05 Financial Aid Policy
- A3200.10 Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients
- A3200.15 Student Eligibility Code
- A3200.25 Reporting Potential Fraud and Abuse
- A3200.35 Release of Financial Aid Information
- A3200.40 Special Circumstances
- A3200.50 Scholarships
- Enrollment Services
- A3300 Excellence in Recruitment & Enrollment Practices
- A3300.00 Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act
- A3300.10 Class Withdrawal
- A3300.20 Repeat Enrollment in Courses
- A3300.30 Adding, Dropping, Withdrawal from Courses
- A3300.35 Advising / Counseling
- A3300.40 Change of Program of Study
- A3300.45 College Catalog
- A3300.50 Student Handbook
- A3300.55 Student Publications
- Student Experience
- A3400 Culture of Exceptional Student Experience and Engagement
- A3400.00 Borrowing Privileges
- A3400.05 Student Board Member
- A3400.10 Election of the Student Board Member
- A3400.15 Student Clubs, Organizations & Extracurricular Activities
- A3400.20 Student Rights and Responsibilities
- A3400.30 Clubs and Organizations
- A3400.40 Grievance Procedure
- A3400.50 Athletic Incentive
- A3400.60 Career Services
- A3400.65 Intercollegiate Athletics
- A3400.70 Library Materials
- A3400.75 Voter Registration
DEIB (A4xxx)
- Workplace Principles
- Employment & Classification
- A4100 Pursuit of Excellence in Employment Practices
- A4100.00 Organizational Charts
- A4100.05 Definitions
- A4100.10 General Hiring Policy & Procedure
- A4100.15 Employment Contracts
- A4100.20 Meal Break
- A4100.25 Resignation
- A4100.30 Termination of Employment
- A4100.35 Staff Salary Guidelines
- A4100.40 At-Will Employment for Operational Non-Exempt Personnel
- A4100.45 Contract Between Shawnee Community College Board of Trustees and Shawnee College Education Association
- A4100.50 General Policies
- A4100.55 Dismissal of Part-time Faculty
- A4100.60 Background Checking
- A4100.65 Photo ID Cards
- A4100.70 Remote Work
- A4100.75 Temporary Appointments
- Compensation & Benefits
- A4200 Pursuit of Excellence in Compensation & Benefit Practices
- A4200.00 Retirement Benefits – State Univ. Retirement System Participation
- A4200.05 Group Insurance
- A4200.10 Flowers and Memorials
- A4200.15 Policies for Personnel in Grant Projects
- A4200.20 Employee Cellphone
- A4200.25 Fringe Benefits
- A4200.30 Insurance Benefits
- A4200.35 Job Evaluation / Grading
- A4200.40 Market Research & Benchmarking
- A4200.45 Review and Adjustment Cycle
- A4200.50 Tuition Waiver
- Vacation & Leaves of Absence
- A4300 Culture of Caring
- A4300.00 Holidays
- A4300.05 Vacation
- A4300.10 Sick Leave
- A4300.15 Sick Leave Transfer
- A4300.20 Personal Leave
- A4300.25 Funeral Leave
- A4300.30 Unpaid Leave of Absence
- A4300.35 Jury Duty
- A4300.40 Family and Medical Leave
- A4300.45 Absence Due to Inclement Weather
- A4300.50 Family Medical Leave
- A4300.55 Leaves of Absence
- A4300.60 Military Leaves of Absence
- A4300.65 Retirement
- Payroll
- Ethics & Conduct
- A4500 Culture of Equity & Respect
- A4500.00 Non-Discrimination & Harassment
- A4500.05 Employment or Supervision of Immediate Family Members
- A4500.10 Conflict of Interest / Fraternization
- A4500.15 Outside Employment – Conflict of Interest
- A4500.20 Americans with Disabilities (ADA)
- A4500.25 Freedom From Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment
- A4500.30 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act
- A4500.35 Accommodations for Religious Observances
- A4500.40 Employee Participation in Political Activity
- A4500.45 Nepotism
- Privacy & Records
- Dispute Resolution
- Performance Review
- Safety & Wellness
- A4900 Culture of Safety and Personal Wellness
- A4900.00 Alcohol and Controlled Substances Compliance Testing
- A4900.05 Safe Environment Policy
- A4900.10 Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus
- A4900.15 Chronic Communicable Diseases
- A4900.20 SCC Emergency Care and Nursing Faculty Responsibilities
- A4900.25 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control
- A4900.30 Animals on Campus
- A4900.35 Behavioral Intervention & Threat Assessment
- A4900.40 Children on Campus
- A4900.45 Public Health and Hygiene
Administrative Services
- Business & Financial Services (A5xxx)
- Financial Standards
- A5000 Financial Excellence
- A5000.00 Audit Firm Selection
- A5000.05 Audit of College Accounts
- A5000.10 Treasurer of the Board
- A5000.15 Check Signatures Authorized on College Bank Accounts
- A5000.20 Bonds and Indebtedness
- A5000.25 Internal Business Practices
- A5000.30 Financial Statement
- A5000.35 Inter-Fund Loans
- A5000.40 Working Cash Fund
- A5000.45 Protections / Health / Safety Tax Levy / Bonds
- A5000.50 Investments
- A5000.55 Debt Collection
- A5000.60 Management of Financial Reserves
- A5000.65 Bonds and Indebtedness
- A5000.70 Fund Balance Calculation
- A5000.75 Tuition, Fees, and Other Charges
- A5000.80 Shawnee Community College Residency for Tuition Purposes
- A5000.85 Establishment of Fees
- A5000.90 Refund Policy
- A5000.95 Student Debt to the College
- A5000.100 Business Cards
- A5000.105 Payment of Bills Prior to Board Approval
- A5000.110 Authorized Signatures
- A5000.115 Internal Controls
- A5000.120 Cash Management
- A5000.125 Financial Reporting
- Budget Standards
- Procurement Standards
- A5200 Procurement Excellence
- A5200.00 Expenditure Authorization
- A5200.05 Purchasing and Bidding
- A5200.10 Emergency Purchases
- A5200.15 Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities
- A5200.20 Disbursements
- A5200.25 Accounts Payable
- A5200.30 Imprest Fund
- A5200.35 Third Party Billing / Refund
- A5200.40 College Credit Card Usage
- Auxiliary Services
- Risk Management
- Vehicles & Equipment
- Grants & Contracts
- Information Technology (A6xxx)
- Information Management Standards
- Infrastructure Standards
- Technology Use
- A6200 Ethical Use of Technology Resources
- A6200.00 Computer Usage Policy
- A6200.05 Computer Software Copyright Policy
- A6200.10 Photocopiers and Network Printers
- A6200.15 Artificial Intelligence
- A6200.20 Augmented / Virtual / Multiple Reality
- A6200.25 Respectful Communication
- A6200.30 Resource Conservation
- A6200.35 Personal Use
- A6200.40 Unauthorized Access
- Information Security Standards
- Web Standards
- Telecommunication Standards
- College Facility (A7xxx)
- Buildings & Grounds
- A7000 Capital Asset Quality
- A7000.00 Purchase or Lease of Sites
- A7000.05 Lease of Equipment, Machinery, Vehicles, and Buildings
- A7000.10 Title to Land
- A7000.15 Storage
- A7000.20 Mail
- A7000.25 Parking
- A7000.30 Accessibility and ADA Compliance
- A7000.35 Aesthetics & Branding
- A7000.40 Signage and Wayfinding
- A7000.45 Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
- A7000.50 Landscaping & Outdoor Areas
- A7000.55 College Closings
- Renovation & Construction
- Operations, Maintenance & Repair
- Facility Usage & Rental
- Safety and Security
- A7400 Culture of Safety & Security
- A7400.00 Unauthorized Persons on Campus
- A7400.05 Security
- A7400.10 Video Surveillance Policy
- A7400.15 College Keys
- A7400.20 Lock-Out / Tag-Out
- A7400.25 Risk Assessment
- A7400.30 Preventive Measures
- A7400.35 Emergency Preparedness
- A7400.40 Access Control
- A7400.45 Training
- A7400.50 Incident Reporting
- A7400.55 Compliance
- Emergency Operations
- A7500 Emergency Response
- A7500.00 Emergency Planning
- A7500.05 Crisis Management
- A7500.10 Incident Command System
- A7500.15 Resource Allocation
- A7500.20 Training & Drills
- A7500.25 Post-Emergency Assessment
- A7500.30 Compliance & Enforcement
- A7500.35 Lockdown and Secure-In Procedures
- A7500.40 Recovery & Continuity Planning