Operating Standard
Type: Administrative
Responsible: VPAA; CAO
Related Policies: A2100 Curriculum Excellence
Linked Operating Standards: A2100.00, A2100.05, A2100.10, A2100.15, A2100.20, A2100.25, A2100.30, A2100,35, A2100.40, A2100.55, A2100.60, A2100.70
Related Laws: 110 ILCS 27/
Related External Standards: ICCB 1050.30(b); ICCB 1501.302; ICCB 1501.303; ICCB 1501.405
HLC Criterion: 4B4B The institution engages in ongoing assessment of student learning as part of its commitment to the educational outcomes of its students.
A2100.45 Assessment of Student Learning PDF
CQI Planning Form
Shawnee Community College (SCC) is committed to continuous quality improvement in student learning through systematic academic assessment. The assessment process ensures alignment with institutional goals, enhances course and program effectiveness, and provides meaningful feedback to stakeholders. Assessment supports SCC’s mission of fostering lifelong learning by emphasizing measurable learning outcomes and data-driven decision-making.
- Academic Assessment Plan: A plan that details the assessment cycle, specific procedures, and official forms required for the orderly collection, examination, interpretation, and documentation of student learning of course, program, and general education outcomes.
- Artifact: Evidence that results from a task that is likely to elicit a performance of the skill/knowledge necessary to demonstrate level of mastery of the intended learning outcome
- Assessment: The process of measuring achievement of goal and objectives
- Direct Assessment: Observing and evaluating a student’s performance or work product to assess their knowledge or skills (e.g., exams, papers, presentations, projects)
- Indirect Assessment: Gathering information about student learning through self-reported data (e.g., surveys, interviews, discussions) where students reflect on their own understanding rather than demonstrating it directly
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Form: The action planning form used by programs and co-curriculars to achieve the desired program goals for the year. Planning includes program goals, objectives, measures, targets, aligned to the Strategic Plan, and resources needed. The previous year’s results from their data analyses are used to inform the plan. Initial projections for next year’s budget are included.
- Core Competency Assessment Form (CCAF): A form used to document and analyze data gathered from students on performance of the General Education Core Competencies.
- General Education Core Competencies: Broad institutional learning outcomes applicable across programs, including Written Communication, Oral Communication, Problem Solving, Research and Literacy, Personal Growth and Responsibility, and Global and Cultural Awareness
- Co-curricular Assessment: Learning activities, programs, and experiences outside of the classroom that reinforce the institution’s mission and values and complement the formal curriculum, such as clubs, field trips, student services organizations, etc.
- Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): Specific, measurable statements that articulate the knowledge, skills, and abilities students are expected to demonstrate as a result of their educational experiences.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Assessment Coordinator:
- Oversee the overall assessment process at the institution; Chair the Student Academic Assessment Team (SAAT)
- Provide support and training to faculty on assessment practices.
- Ensure that assessment activities comply with institutional and accreditation standards.
- Compile and review assessment reports from academic departments.
- Administer the assessment software used to manage the assessment process
- Student Academic Assessment Team (SAAT):
- Promotes assessment practices which support the continuous improvement of student learning and institutional effectiveness
- Lead the process of academic and co-curricular assessment across the institution, and make recommendations in support of continuous quality improvement
- Facilitate meaningful reporting on the Assessment of Student Learning to appropriate stakeholders
- Maintains and updates the Academic Assessment Plan
- Faculty:
- Develop and implement assessment methods for their courses and programs.
- Collect and analyze assessment data.
- Use assessment results to inform and improve instructional practices.
- Participate in professional development related to assessment.
- Academic Departments:
- Collaborate with faculty to develop and review assessment plans.
- Ensure alignment of assessment activities with program goals and SLOs.
- Submit assessment reports to the Assessment Coordinator.
- Use assessment data to make informed decisions about curriculum and program improvements.
- Institutional Effectiveness Office:
- Provide data support and analysis for assessment activities.
- Assist in the development of assessment tools and methodologies.
- Ensure the reliability and validity of assessment data.
Stages in the SCC Assessment Cycle
Procedures for Implementing the Stages
Define/Refine Outcomes and Measures
- Define Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and General Education Core Competencies:
- General Education Core Competencies are developed to represent the qualities students need to succeed after leaving SCC, whether they complete a degree or certificate for employment, complete an AA/AS degree for transfer to a four-year institution, or obtain continuing education credit.
- Programs and Co-Curriculars identify measurable course and program learning outcomes, aligned with SCC’s General Education Core Competencies, and their respective industry and/or accreditation standards.
- Curriculum Mapping: Curriculum maps for academic programs are developed to ensure alignment of learning outcomes across course and program levels, identifying progression from introductory to mastery levels.
- Diverse Assessment Methods: Both direct measures (e.g., exams, papers, projects) and indirect measures (e.g., surveys, focus groups) are identified to assess student learning on the identified SLOs. These artifacts are explicitly integrated into courses and co-curricular activities at the time the SLO should be formally assessed.
Data Collection
- Artifact Compilation: Identified artifacts are collected at the time identified.
- Evaluation Using Rubrics: Artifacts that are direct measures of learning (e.g., exams, papers, projects) are assessed using standardized rubrics or scoring guides to ensure consistency and reliability in scoring.
Analysis and Reporting
- Course/Co-Curricular-Level Analysis: Collected data is analyzed to evaluate individual course or co-curricular effectiveness and student achievement. Trends, strengths, and opportunities for improvement are identified.
- General Education Core Competency results, along with sample artifacts, are submitted using the Core Competency Assessment Forms (CCAFs) in the assessment software per established deadlines.
- Program-level SLOs are submitted to the program according to their respective deadlines and processes
- Program-Level Analysis:
- Program analysis and results are submitted using the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Form. This is where student learning on SLOs across the entire program is documented. On the CQI, the CCAF results are also summarized and tied into the overall program level analysis. The CQIs are submitted in the assessment software per established deadlines.
- Programs can use the assessment data from their CQIs to inform the ICCB 5-year Program Review.
- Institution-Level Review: The Assessment Coordinator compiles and reviews aggregate General Education Core Competency assessment data. The SAAT identifies trends, strengths, and opportunities for improvement.
- Annual Assessment Monitoring Report: Findings of the institution-level review and the previous year’s assessment process are compiled in a report shared at the annual assessment day, College leadership, and the Board of Trustees, to inform decision-making and strategic planning.
Closing the Loop
- Action Plan Development: Faculty use assessment findings to develop the following year’s action plan in the CQI. This action plan focuses on actions that can be taken to refine instructional methods, revise curricula, and enhance student learning.
- Integration into College Planning: Actions plans are aligned to the Strategic Plan, resourced by the current year’s approved budget, and used to project budget requests for the following year to ensure alignment with institutional priorities.
- Showcasing Success: Examples of successful initiatives and improvements are highlighted during the annual assessment day to foster a culture of excellence.
AUGUST | Provide assessment updates at fall Convocation. | SAAT Chairperson |
Notify programs to be reviewed by ICCB during upcoming year. | Dean of Transfer Pathways | |
Begin the CQI planning for the current year during the Convocation breakout session. | Faculty/Staff | |
Provide reminder of enrollment, retention, persistence, and completion data on the data dashboard | IE | |
Verify completion of all CCAFs for previous spring semester. | Assessment Coordinator | |
| Review and analyze enrollment, retention, persistence, and completion data. Review Core Competency data. | SAAT |
Review Annual Assessment Monitoring Report at assessment day. Address desired interventions. Share successes. Complete CQI planning worksheet for current fiscal year. Make initial budget projections for next year. | SAAT/All full-time employees | |
Communicate with adjunct and dual credit instructors concerning artifact collection. | Assessment Coordinator/Lead Instructors | |
NOVEMBER | Conduct review of Core Competencies for relevance and consistency via a survey to all full-time faculty, if determined necessary from analysis. | SAAT |
Review master syllabi to ensure objectives are measurable and relate to Core Competencies, and artifacts are aligned with course objectives and program goals. | C&I /Lead Instructors | |
DECEMBER | Complete CCAFs for fall semester and submit to repository. | Faculty |
JANUARY | Provide an assessment update to the College during Convocation. | Assessment Coordinator |
FEBRUARY | Submit budget requests for next year as outlined on program CQI worksheet, justified with CQI plan and/or Strategic Plan. | Division Chairs/Directors/Deans/VPs |
Communicate with adjunct and dual credit instructors concerning artifact collection | Assessment Coordinator/Lead Instructors | |
MARCH | Begin updating CQI forms with data collected up to this point. | Faculty |
Complete ICCB program reviews. | VP & Deans /Faculty/IE | |
APRIL | Review master syllabi to ensure objectives are measurable and relate to Core Competencies, and artifacts are aligned with course objectives and program goals. | C&I /Lead Instructors |
MAY | Complete CCAFs for spring semester and submit to repository. | Faculty/Co-Curricular Employees |
Review CCAF data from fall semester to determine if additional intervention needs to be recommended and implemented or refined. | SAAT/Faculty | |
Enter findings on program/department CQI worksheets and submit to repository. | All Full-Time Employees | |
JUNE-JULY | Analyze the academic year’s Core Competency Data. | Assessment Coordinator |
Draft the Annual Assessment Monitoring Report |
Change Log | Governance Unit: Acad Affairs Council |
Date | Description of Change |
1.23.25 | Initial Adoption; replaces 8170A |