A1100.15 Concealed Carry

Operating Standard

Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A1100
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:


I. Statement of Purpose

Shawnee Community College (hereafter referred to as “SCC” or “College”) hereby establishes the SCC Concealed Carry Policy (hereafter referred to as “Policy”) pursuant to the 2013 Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act (430 ILCS 65) and its enabling regulations, and the authority granted by the Public Community College Act (110 ILCS 805/3-30). SCC is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for the SCC community, students, faculty and its visitors. In support of this commitment, SCC establishes restrictions on the ability to carry or possess firearms or weapons on the SCC campus in accordance with the Board of Trustees’ authority to promulgate rules and regulations and the 2013 Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Therefore, SCC security officers are authorized to carry weapons on campus while in their official capacity as external security officers.


II. Persons Covered by this Policy

This Policy applies to all employees, students, persons conducting business, or individuals visiting the SCC campus, hereinafter referred to as “Campus” as defined in this policy. Visitors include but are not limited to, prospective students, former students, their respective families and anyone visiting any campus or property of SCC.


III. Prohibited Activities

A. Weapons or Firearms

In addition to the definitions as set forth in Article VIII herein, a weapon or firearm includes and is considered any loaded or unloaded handgun, rifle, shotgun or any other mechanism that is capable of firing any lethal projectile by the use of gunpowder or any other substance that can be used to discharge a bullet or round from such mechanism. Any weapon or firearm is in reference to both concealed and non-concealed firearms or weapons, of which both this policy addresses.

Subject to exceptions as set forth in this policy, SCC maintains a Weapons and Firearms-Free Campus. “Campus” includes but is not limited to, the SCC campus in Ullin, Illinois, the Rustic Campus in Ullin, Illinois, regional campuses in Anna, Cairo, Metropolis, and Vienna, Illinois; and sites, whether owned, leased or controlled by SCC, where SCC programs, activities and classes are held. No person or entity covered by this policy, unless specifically allowed as set forth herein, is authorized to possess or carry a firearm or weapon while engaged in SCC related business, activities or on any other premises owned or controlled by SCC.

It is the Policy of SCC to prohibit:

  1. Except as set forth herein, any person covered by this policy from possessing or carrying a weapon or firearm on property owned, leased or controlled by SCC, even if that person has a valid federal or state license to possess or carry a weapon or firearm. This includes, but is not limited to any building or portion of a building under the control of SCC, anywhere on the grounds of SCC, any parking areas, sidewalks or common areas under the control of SCC.
  2. Any person covered by this policy from displaying, brandishing, discharging or otherwise using any and all weapons or firearms, including concealed weapons or firearms.
  3. Any person covered by this policy from carrying or transporting any firearm or weapon in any motor vehicle owned or leased/rented by SCC.
  4. Unless a person is an on-duty law enforcement officer or an enforcement officer from an external governmental agency that is required to carry a concealed firearm as a condition of his or her employment, no person shall conceal a weapon or firearm on his or her person while on any property owned or controlled by SCC.

B. Other Prohibited Activities

It is the policy of SCC to prohibit all persons covered by this policy from making threats, bullying, intimidating or engaging in acts of violence. Such behavior or actions will not be tolerated and may result in discipline, up to and including but not limited to, immediate discharge, expulsion, and/or banishment from campus.

C. Exceptions

The provisions of this policy do not apply to the possession or carrying of firearms in SCC vehicles, SCC buildings on SCC grounds or any SCC-sponsored activity if the possession of weapons or firearms is related to one of the following exceptions:

  1. The firearm is used in connection with a weapons safety course or weapons education course offered in the regular course of business or approved and authorized by SCC.
  2. The firearm is possessed or carried by an on duty law enforcement officer required to carry a firearm as a condition of his or her employment; the firearm is carried by an enforcement officer from an external agency conducting official business at SCC.
  3. The firearm is used in connection with sanctioned classes, athletic or recreational sports practices, games, matches, tournaments or events on campus when the activity requires the use of such weapons or firearms (e.g., fencing, starter pistols, and/or archery).
  4. The use of simulated firearms in connection with the SCC-related theatrical productions.
  5. Notwithstanding the authorization of a security officer to carry a firearm openly on SCC property as set forth herein, nothing in this Policy shall be construed as allowing or authorizing a campus security officer to conceal on his/her person a weapon or firearm while on property owned or controlled by SCC.
  6. A firearm that is legally stored in a personal vehicle on property owned or controlled by SCC.

The exceptions to the prohibitions of concealed carry do not apply to an off-duty law enforcement officers, or an enforcement officer from an external governmental agency that is not on official business or duty. These prohibitions include, but are not limited to such officers attending classes are a student on property owned or controlled by SCC.


IV. Location at Which Policy Applies

For purposes of this policy, “property of SCC” includes any vehicle, building, classroom, laboratory, medical clinic, artistic venue, or entertainment venue whether owned, leased or operated by SCC, and any real property, including parking areas, sidewalks and common areas under the control of SCC.

This policy also applies to all college-related organization property whether leased or owned by SCC, and all SCC-officially-recognized organization property whether leased or owned by SCC.

The SCC’s President’s Office, in consultation with College Safety Officers, shall determine placement of clearly and conspicuously posted signs at all building and restricted parking area entrances stating that concealed firearms are prohibited. Signs shall be in accordance with the design approved by the Illinois State Police.

The SCC’s President’s Office, in consultation with College Safety Officers, shall be responsible for the placement and maintenance of signage at building and restricted parking area entrances where vehicles containing weapons or firearms are prohibited.

A. Parking

A firearm may be transported into an unrestricted parking area within a vehicle if the firearm and its ammunition remain locked in a case out of plain view within the parked vehicle. Certain parking areas on campus may be designated as areas where weapons and firearms are not permitted. “Case” is defined as a glove compartment or console that completely encases the firearm and its ammunition, the trunk of the vehicle, or a firearm carrying box, shipping box or other container. The firearm may only be removed for the limited purpose of storage or retrieval from within the trunk of the vehicle. A firearm must first be unloaded before removal from the vehicle, including when exiting a vehicle to store the firearm in a trunk or compartment of the vehicle as is permitted by law.

B. Storage and Confiscation of Firearms

The primary place of storage for a firearm is within a locked case out of plain view within a parked vehicle in an unrestricted parking area.


V. Enforcement

With the exception of legally storing a firearm in a person’s vehicle, the following enforcement guidelines will be in place:

A. Any individual visiting or conducting business on the property of SCC found to have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of SCC knowingly, or under circumstances in which the person should have known that he or she was in possession of a weapon or firearm, may be banned from the SCC campus. Any student found to have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of the SCC knowingly, or found to be carrying a weapon under circumstances in which the student should have known that he or she was in possession of a weapon or firearm, may be subject to discipline up to and including, but not limited to, expulsion from SCC.

B. Any employee found to have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of SCC knowingly, or found to be carrying a weapon or firearm under circumstances in which the employee should have known that he or she was in possession of a weapon or firearm, may be subject to discipline up to and including, but not limited to, immediate termination of employment, subject to such other employment rules or regulations in place.

C. Any individual found to have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of SCC knowingly, or found to be carrying a weapon or firearm under circumstances in which the individual should have known that he or she was in possession of a weapon or firearm, may be subject to administrative action by SCC and possible arrest and prosecution. Violations of this policy may result in referrals to external law enforcement agencies.


VI. Reporting Requirement

SCC’s Board of Trustees authorizes the President of SCC to promulgate protocols for the implementation of this policy including, but not limited to, delegating required reporting responsibilities and protocols related to storage and confiscation of weapons or firearms.


VII. Distribution of Information Regarding Policy

SCC’s Board of Trustee’s authorizes the President of SCC to promulgate protocols for the development and distribution of information regarding this policy to the SCC campus community, SCC media outlets and external audiences.


VIII. Definitions

A. “Bullying” is defined as: Conduct by any person covered by this policy that is intended or that a reasonable person would know is likely to harm students by substantially interfering with educational opportunities, benefits, or programs of one or more students, faculty members or employees, or conduct that adversely affects the ability of a student, faculty members or employees, to participate in or benefit from SCC’s educational programs or activities by placing the student, faculty member or employee in a reasonable person’s fear of actual substantial physical harm, mental harm or emotional distress.

B. A “firearm” is defined as a loaded or unloaded handgun, rifle, shotgun or any other type of device that is capable of firing a bullet, pellet, flare, or any other projectile including those powered by CO2, explosion, expansion of gas, or escape of gas that is designed to beheld and fired by either the use of a single hand or use of both hands. “Firearm” shall include, but is not limited to those definitions set forth under the definition of “weapon” as set forth herein.

C. A “weapon” is defined as: Any device, whether loaded or unloaded, that shoots a bullet, pellet, flare or any other projectile including those powered by CO2. This includes, but is not limited to, machine guns, rifles, shotguns, handguns or other firearm, BB/pellet gun, spring gun, paint ball gun, flare gun, stun gun, taser or dart gun and any ammunition for any such device. Any replica of the foregoing is also prohibited. A “weapon” also includes, but is not limited to any explosive device including, but not limited to, firecrackers and black powder. A “weapon” also includes any device that is designed or traditionally used to inflict harm including, but not limited to, bows and arrows, any knife with a blade longer than three inches, hunting knife, fixed blade knife, throwing knives, dagger razor or other cutting instrument the blade of which is exposed.


IX. SCC’s Safety Officers

In consultation with the President’s Office, shall be responsible for the development and promulgation of procedures, protocols for storage and confiscation of weapons and/or firearms and determination of restricted parking areas.


X. Responsibilities of President’s Office

The President of SCC shall have the responsibility, to include other responsibility set forth in this policy, to perform the following, or delegate the performance of the following on behalf of SCC and implementing this policy.

A. designating reporting procedures to the department of state police or other local law enforcement agencies when any employee, student or visitor is determined to pose a clear and present danger to SCC, its campuses, students, facility or any visitor on such campus.

B. To determine placement of clearly and conspicuously posted signs and all building and restricted parking area entrances stating that conceal firearms are prohibited. The sign shall be in accordance with the design approved by the Illinois State Police.

C. Shall determine and be responsible for the placement and maintenance of signage at building and restricted parking entrances where vehicles containing weapons or firearms are prohibited.

D. Shall be responsible for the development and distribution of information regarding this policy to the SCC campus community, SCC media outlets and external audiences.

E. Shall be responsible for the development and promulgation of policy and procedures that insure compliance with this policy in connection with SCC’s activities.


XI. Delegation

SCC’s Board of Trustees hereby delegates to the President of SCC the authority to utilize or implement procedures related to and consistent with this policy, 2013 Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act, as amended, and other relevant laws, regulations, or policies of SCC, so as to carry out the intentions of the Board of Trustees in accordance with this Policy.

The president of SCC shall from time to time, but not later than 30 days from the President of SCC implementing any policy related to this Policy, request approval SCC’s Board of Trustees of such actions by the President of SCC or to make additions or changes to this Policy as the Board of Trustees determine necessary. SCC Board of Trustees reserves the right from time to time, if necessary, to amend any delegated authority under this policy accordingly.

Revised: March 2019


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