#12 Shaylee Moore
#12 Shaylee Moore
About Me
School Year: Freshman

Hometown: Vienna, IL

What motivates me to succeed both on and off the court: Continuing to be the best version of my self I can be. So when I dedicate myself to something, whether it be a sport or class, I work myself to do the very best I can!

My role model: My dad because he is always pushing himself to do the best to help family or play with his kids.

A personal goal I've set for myself this season: Being a stronger player. I am a small post player so I need to push myself to play with the other girls.

What I enjoy doing in my free time when I'm not playing or training: Reading books or swimming.

My favorite Sports Mascot: Benny the Bull!
Due to inclement weather, Wednesday, February 19, 2025, will be a Remote Learning/Work Day. Stay safe.