#11 Tashay Jackson-Roper
#11 Tashay Jackson-Roper
About Me
School Year: Freshman

Hometown: Rantoul, IL

What motivates me to succeed both on and off the court: Encouragement motivates me even if I’m not doing the best. Having a support system.

My role model: My mom. She continues to work and show up for the people she loves. She gives great advice and in hard times sheds a light on people.

A personal goal I've set for myself this season: Not to compare myself to others.

What I enjoy doing in my free time when I'm not playing or training: I enjoy watching criminal shows, coloring, hanging out with my friends.

My favorite Sports Mascot: I don't have one.
Due to inclement weather, Wednesday, February 19, 2025, will be a Remote Learning/Work Day. Stay safe.